Scene 1
Chandler and Monica's
- ChandlerHey!
- RossYeah! Yeah! OK! Sure! Look! Can we...can we talk about what happened here last night?
- ChandlerSure! Just give me a second to get all huffy and weird like you! Do you believe that who ever
- did something over here last night did what they did or didn't do ...I mean come on!!
- RossOK you...you really don't know what I am talking about?
- ChandlerNo!
- RossOK! Last night after the party I saw Rachel kissing that jerk from her office out on your balcony.
- ChandlerOur balcony? Seriously? That's so funny because I told Monica we should put lights on our balcony. And she said
- "No, no. It's too cold, nobody will go out there." And I said "Maybe if we put some light out there they will"
- RossRight that's why I came over to talk about. Hum...I saw Rachel kissing some guy on your balcony,
- even though there were NO LIGHTS !
- ChandlerSo are you gonna...talk to her?
- RossWhy...Why should I? I mean if she wants to move on, that's fine!
- ChandlerYou know when "That's fine" sounds true when someone yells it and spits!
- RossNo I'm serious. I mean she wants to date people? Fine! I don't care but...at least she could have told me. You know
- I...I've been putting my life on hold and just concentrating on Emma but if she wants to go out there kissing guys she
- barely knows, then so will I ! Very funny! Ross is gay! Ah! Ah!
- ChandlerNo no no. Good. So you're moving on? Do you have any idea where you're moving?
- RossI don't know. I mean I have plenty of opportunity. Just just now there were some women at the coffee house smiled at me.
- And then the other day on the subway a woman "accidentally" sat on my hand.
- ChandlerDude, don't rub my face in your crazy single life!
- RossWell, and how about this? There is an anthropologist at school who totally came on to me during the inter-departmental
- Potluck dinner.
- ChandlerWhy did I get married?!
Scene 2
Central Perk
- JoeyHey! Let me ask you guys something. I have a new headshot taken tomorrow right and the photographer said she thinks I
- should have my eyebrows waxed. Is that weird for a guy?
- PhoebeWell it depends.
- JoeyOn...?
- PhoebeOn how far along he's in the sex change process!
- MonicaNo I totally disagree. No I think it's fine for a guy to do something like that. Such you an actor. Not that you need to,
- your eyebrows are...
- JoeyOk! Stop it you guys! Stop staring! You're freaking me out!
- PhoebeYour knuckles are kinda hairy too...
- JoeyOh man! I have to get those done too?!
- PhoebeWow! Talking about high maintenance
- JoeyHey hey! You dye your hair!
- PhoebeI'm a woman!
- JoeyArghhh! Double standards!
- PhoebeOh before I forget, are you coming to Mike's piano bar tonight?
- MonicaOnly if I don't have to get up and sing.
- PhoebeBut everybody sings. It's so much fun! Last time this adorable old man got out there, forgot all of the words, flipped out
- and everyone booed him off the stage. So funny.
- MonicaIt's just, I'm not good at singing.
- PhoebeOh! What's the matter? Are you scared? You're afraid I'm a better singer? You're afraid I'm gonna beat you at singing?
- MonicaNo no, it's not working on me. Wow! I must be growing up!
- PhoebeOK fine! Please come and support Mike. You don't have to sing.
- MonicaSo I don't have to sing and I can just sit there and pass judgments on others?
- PhoebeWhile drinking...
- MonicaI'm there!
- RachelHi guys! Listen I really need your help. I think I did something really stupid.
- PhoebeWell yes Rachel but you got something so beautiful out there
- RachelNo not that. I kissed Gavin last night.
- PhoebeOh my god.
- MonicaYou kissed him?
- RachelYeah. It was after the party, we were on the balcony and...
- MonicaWait wait wait. I was at home the whole time. How did I missed that?
- PhoebeIt was the end of the party, you were probably ironing wrapping paper.
- MonicaOh yeah...So how did you end up kissing?
- RachelYou know we were all alone and he was being really nice to me and, oh and he gave me this scarf...
- MonicaI thought you hated him?
- RachelYou know honey, there is a thin line between love and hate, and it turns out that line...is a scarf!
- MonicaSo are you thinking of starting up something with this guy?
- RachelI don't know. It's so complicated. I work with this guy, you know, I have the baby, and I have Ross, and I just...I don't
- know what to do and I have to be at the office and see Gavin in ten minutes.
- MonicaSounds like you need to think about what you want, talk to Gavin, and you definitely should talk to Ross
- RachelOr...I could call in sick and not deal with it at all...
- PhoebeWow! Five-month maternity leave, you're back for four days, kiss a co-worker, call in sick, they are lucky to have you!!
Scene 3
Beauty salon
- Salon girlHi
- JoeyHey. I'm here for my eyebrow appointment.
- Salon girlName?
- JoeyChandler Bing.
- Salon girlOk. Very good. Have a seat right over here Mr. Bing and Sonia will be right with you.
- JoeyOK Thanks.
- (Joey touches the hot wax). I touched the stuff
- SoniaI'll take care of it
- JoeyThanks. Do you get a lot of guys in here?
- SoniaOh absolutely.
- JoeyOh good...
- SoniaAre you looking to meet somebody?
- JoeyAll right let's just do this.
- SoniaWe'll get to the wax in a minute. First I want to tweeze some of the strays, ok? This may sting just a little bit...
- JoeyPlease I have an extremely high threshold...Holly Mother Of God! My face! My face!! I'm all right! I'm all right!
- Just a little bit of shock that's all but I'll be fine you can go again. I'm OK
- (He tries to avoid the tweezers) Dammit! Woman!! How Hoooow!
Scene 4
Central Perk
- ChandlerHey it's the most eligible man in NY. How's the moving on going?
- RossNot well. I went on the subway again and someone did sit on my hand but that person was neither female nor wearing pants.
- ChandlerWell maybe you're going about this the wrong way. You know I mean think about it. Single white male, divorced three times,
- two illegitimate children. The personal ad writes itself....
- RossThat's funny...Do you think you'll ever work again?
- ChandlerWhat are doing? You know I can only dish it out!
- RossI can't believe Rachel just moved on and didn't say anything to me
- ChandlerMaybe she didn't move on, you know...maybe that kiss was just an impulsive one-time birthday thing
- RossNo no, about a month ago she gave her number to some guy in a bar.
- ChandlerDid she go out with him?
- RossNo. When he called, I...I threw the message away.
- ChandlerAh! The high road...
- RossYou know what? Enough! Enough talking! I have to get moving! Hey check out those two blondes over there!
- Hey come with me!
- ChandlerAre you trying to get everybody divorced?
- RossYou don't have to do anything. It will just be easier if it is the two of us, like college, remember? You...you break the
- ice with some kind of jokes so that they know you're the funny one and I swoop in with some interesting conversation, so
- they'll see that I'm the brilliant, brooding, sexy one...
- ChandlerI thought I had to make the jokes!
- RossDon't you have to be at work?
- ChandlerOh come on! Hello! Hi! My name is Chandler, here's my friend Ross right here, and we were wondering you know if you're up for it.
- We only need six more people for a human pyramid...Swoop!! Swoop!!
- RossHum...So...hum...Oh hey I noticed you were reading the paper...another flood in Europe? Here's a question: "Would you...
- would you rather drown or be burnt alive?"
- Blonde girlSorry...we were just leaving
- ChandlerWe still got it!
Scene 5
- RachelWho is it?
- GavinGavin! I brought you some soup.
- RachelWhy?
- GavinI heard you were sick...
- RachelOh! Right! Yeah! Hold on, I'll be just clean up in here a little bit! Hello Gavin
- GavinI missed you at work today. How are you feeling?
- RachelI a not gonna lie to you, I'm pretty sick
- GavinOh! Good! Because I was having a totally paranoid moment when I thought you called in sick to avoid me.
- RachelOh no no no
- GavinSo I had fun last night
- RachelSo did I
- GavinExactly how contagious is this thing you have? I mean is it a cold for standing on the balcony or did a monkey bite you?
- RachelIt's just a cold
- GavinDo you have fever? Let me see. Hum...
- RachelWhat? What's the matter?
- GavinWhat's Ross doing to you on that picture?
- RachelOh he's dusting me with a fossil brush. He thought it would be funny.
- GavinRight. Right. Ross. So what's the deal with you guys? I don't want to get in the middle of anything
- RachelOh you're not. You're not gonna get in the middle of anything, don't worry about Ross really, really.
- (She hears the noise of the key in the lock) Oh! Hide! That's Ross! Hide! Hide!
- GavinYeah! But you said not to worry about...
- RachelI lied! And I'm not sick! Just stay behind the curtain!
- MollyHi!
- RachelOh! Molly! You're not Ross.
- MollyNo I'm here to take Emma to your mother's, remember?
- RachelRight, right, yes!
- MollyDon't panic!
- RachelWhat?
- MollyThere is a man behind your curtain. I have a mace in my purse.
- RachelNo! That's OK! That's OK! That's OK! No no no no! This is my business associate Gavin. He's just being silly.
- Gavin come out from behind that curtain!
- GavinHi! Gavin! Please to meet you. It was my idea to stand there.
- MollyHello! I just go and get Emma.
- RachelOK.
- GavinSo hum...Why did I have to hide?
- RachelI thought it was Ross.
- GavinSo what if it was? I thought there was nothing going on between you two...
- RachelThere isn't. There is totally isn't.
- GavinYou hear a key in the hole and you jump like a young bronco coming out of a chute for the first time. I used to be a
- rodeo clown.
- RachelAll right. Look. Gavin...I...I guess I felt guilty that you were here, which I shouldn't. You know Ross and I are not in
- any relationship but...he is the father of my child, and you know we do live together and plus there is just so much
- history...you know it's just...I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm just all over the place.
- GavinIt's OK. I know it's probably not my place but can I give you a piece of advice?
- RachelYes
- GavinI think you should talk to Ross about all this.
- RachelPeople keep saying that. Oh I'm sorry Gavin
- GavinDon't be. It's just bad timing.
- RachelSo seriously...rodeo clown?
- GavinOne of the best, ma'am, one of the best...
Scene 6
Mike's piano bar
- Phoebe"No time for losers, 'cause we are the champions of the world...!" Thank you!
- (Mike kisses Phoebe)
- MikeOh she's my girlfriend. That's not just how we do it here. I got to get a break and when we come back we've got Kenneth
- singing "I touch myself"...I'm not here to judge!
- PhoebeHi hi...Oh you have got to sing.
- MonicaNo I told you I can't.
- PhoebeBut you would have so much fun and you have a really nice voice.
- MonicaWhat have you heard me sing?
- PhoebeAll the time when you're cooking.
- MonicaWhat?
- PhoebeYeah you're always singing "Yummy yummy yummy, I've got love in my tummy"
- MonicaYeah I do rock that one.
- PhoebeOK so isn't there a little part of you that wants to get up there?
- MonicaJust a little but...it's just so scary! I don't even know what I would sing...
- MikeWell I've got a book around...
- Monica"Delta Dawn"
Scene 7
Central Perk
- RossHi! I could help not notice, but that's an unusual necklace
- WomanYou already hit on me an hour ago
- RossRight, so that's a firm "no". I cannot believe this, I just keep striking out.
- ChandlerI don't get it neither, I mean you're obviously desperate, you're asking women how they want to be killed
- RossThis is great. Rachel's gonna keep kissing guys until she finds the one she wants and I'm gonna die alone.
- ChandlerBy drowning or...?!
- MichelleWhy would he break up with me?
- Her friendI don't know sweetie.
- MichelleAll I ever wanted was just love him and have him love me back. I mean, am I so unlovable?
- ChandlerWell...
- RossI know! (he stands)
Scene 8
Piano bar
- MikeAll right, that was Kenneth with his much too literal rendition of "I touch myself". Coming up next we've got Monica
- singing "Delta Dawn".
- MonicaWait wait! I can't sing in front of all these people.
- PhoebeJust pretend they're not even here! It's OK Monica, when that spotlight hits you it so bright you won't see anyone
- anyway.
- MonicaHi! I'm Monica and I'm gonna be singing "Delta Dawn"
- "Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on? Could it be a faded rose from days gone by? ..."
- PhoebeCan you totally see through her shirt ?
- MikeLike an X-Ray. Bad day not to wear a bra.
- Monica"To take you to his mansion in the sky-y?"
Scene 9
Monica and Chandler's
- JoeyHey, I need your help.
- ChandlerWow, it seems serious. What seems to be the problem, Ashley Judd?
- JoeyLook, I'll get new headshot taken, all right, so I want to get my eyebrows shaped
- ChandlerI am sorry, moment to make fun of that, please!
- JoeyYou may be a sissy but I'll still (pound you out on ground). All right, it hurts so bad, I could only let her do one
- eyebrow and now... they don't match!
- ChandlerIt's like a baby caterpillar chasing its mama!
- JoeyAll right, look, you got to help me out, ok? Look, I have the magic marker, I want you to fill in the skinny one so
- I don't look stupid for my pictures.
- ChandlerOk. First of all, this is green!
- JoeyWhat the hell am I supposed to do!
- ChandlerAll right, I will help you out but you have to promise me you will not tell anyone what I am about to tell you.
- JoeyWhat, what.
- ChandlerOk, you know how most kids get their allowance from mowing the lawn or taking out the garbage, well I earned mine
- by plucking the eyebrows of my father and his 'business' partners.
- JoeyOh my God!
- ChandlerYeah, well, I guess you don't need my help Victor Victoria!
- JoeyOk all right, no, no, no, no, I do, I do, I do, I need your help, but Chandler I don't know if I can take anymore
- plucking. It hurts so bad!
- ChandlerOh, not with my combination of ice cubes, aloe Vera and my gentle self-loathing touch.
Scene 10
Piano Bar
- Monica"Take me to the mansion in the sky-y". I am sorry, the song is over. Did you see me out there?
- PhoebeEvery little bit of you!
- MonicaI can't believe I did this. I can't believe I'm singing for the people, and they liked me! Hey, did you hear that
- one shouting 'look at those tips'! I mean, did I really help you get a lot of tips?
- MikeSure.
- PhoebeMon', not that you didn't sound good, but...
- MonicaGood? Didn't you hear them...I was great! Thank you so much for making me do this. That's is the best gift ever.
- MikeAlso a good gift? Underwear.
Scene 11
- MichelleThank you so much for letting me do this. Public bathrooms freak me out, I can't even pee, let alone do
- anything else.
- RossBut, what's great is that you don't mind talking about it.
- MichelleIt's so amazing I met you the same day that Eric broke up with me, because it's like you lose a boyfriend,
- you get a boyfriend.
- RossUh-ah!
- MichelleNo don't worry, this is not some rebound thing. I am totally over Eric.
- Ross(pfew). Good choice Ross.
- RachelOh, hey! Hi, there you are, I've been looking for you everywhere!
- RossOh, yeah, hello, well, now, here I am.
- RachelListen, my mum is not bringing the baby back until nine o' clock. So I was hoping you and I could have a
- chance to kind of talk' somebody here?
- RossOh, yeah, yeah that's Michelle.
- RachelWho?
- RossOh, just this woman I've been seeing.
- RachelYou've being seeing someone?
- RossYeah, didn't I mention that? Yeah, I mean, we haven't being going out for too long, but rather there is this
- amazing connection between us. I-I mean, in fact just before you came in she called me her boyfriend. I thought it was
- a little too soon, but it was also, you know, it was kinda nice.
- MichelleWhat are you taking amoxicillin for?
- RossHow great is this? You are already comfortable enough to look through my stuff. Oh, I am sorry Michelle, that's
- my roommate, Rachel.
- RachelHi, and I am also Emma's mother.
- MichelleAh, who is Emma?
- RossI told you about my daughter.
- MichelleThis is your daughter? I can be your new mummy!
Scene 12
Monica and Chandler's
- ChandlerAnd done!
- JoeyOh my God! I didn't feel a thing ! Hey, are you still looking for a job because you can tweeze circles around
- that sadistic bitch at the saloon
- ChandlerThanks. You wanna see what it looks like?
- JoeyYeah, yeah. Hey, they totally match! They look great! They look great! How you doing!
- ChandlerYeah, yeah, I think it looks pretty good. I was a little worried I was uncovering a birthmark right about
- there, but it turned out to be a little piece of chocolate.
- JoeyThank you so much.
- ChandlerNo problem.
- JoeyListen that's a pretty girly hour we just spent, we should add some manly make up for it.
- ChandlerYeah.
- JoeyComb my eyelashes.
Scene 13
Piano Bar
- MonicaOk, for my next song I think I'll sing something a little more upbeat. All right? Oh, how about the Pointer
- Sisters 'I am so excited'. And make it bouncy!
- PhoebeOh you'll probably take care of that on your hands.
- ChandlerI am sorry I am late. You'll understand when you'll see Joey.
- MonicaHoney, you're just in time, I'm about to sing another song!
- ChandlerReally? In front of all this people?
- MonicaAnd they love me!
- ChandlerOh my God!
- PhoebeYes, she gives the people what they want.
- MonicaAll right, watch!
- Monica"Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen, tonight we'll put all other things aside. Give in this
- time and show me some affection..."
- ChandlerAre those my wife's nipples?
- PhoebeOh? Isn't that funny? I didn't see that before, I wouldn't have let her go up again.
- ChandlerI gotta stop this.
- MonicaOh, who cares, they still love me! "I am so excited..."
- ChandlerYou, touching yourself, out!
Scene 14
- RachelWow. She does that a lot!
- MichelleRoss, you didn't tell me you were a doctor!
- RachelWhat, what, wait a minute! You haven't even told her you were a doctor, yet? How long have you known her, like
- an hour?
- MichelleActually about an hour and a half.
- RossI told you it wasn't long, but there is an amazing connection between us.
- MichelleYou feel that too? Oh, I thought that was just me!
- RossAre you kidding?
- MichelleHey, do you want to go away this weekend?
- RossWe'll see.
- RachelOk, Ross, what's going on here, are we just bringing strange women back to the apartment now?
- RossI don't know, are we just kissing guys on balconies?
- RachelHow do you know about that?
- RossThrough the magic of sight! I was here, putting our child to sleep...
- MichelleEmma.
- RossWhen I happened to look through the window and I see you kissing a guy you know, for what? A week?
- RachelOh, that's what this is all about? Did you bring her up here to get back at me?
- MichelleNo, actually, see I had to pee, 'cause I can't use public bathrooms because the doodie parasites.
- RossOk, Michelle, it's time to go.
- MichelleWell, call me!
- RossOk.
- MichelleNo, wait, you don't have my phone number!
- RossYou know, if it's meant to be, I'll guess it. Bye, bye.
- RachelScore.
- RossOh, I am sorry, did you not like her, because I was hoping that we could come to one of your kissing parties on
- the balcony.
- RachelOh God, I can't believe you're making such a big deal about this. It was one kiss, one guy, one time!
- RossOh, really!
- RachelYeah.
- RossOh, really!
- RachelOh yeah.
- RossWhat about the guy from the bar?
- RachelWhat? Who?
- RossThe guy you gave your number to.
- RachelWhoa, how do you know about that?
- RossBecause he called here looking for you. So don't tell me this...this kissing this guy from work is a one time thing,
- ok? You've been out there in bars and on balconies for over a month now. And you didn't even have the courtesy to tell me.
- RachelWhy didn't I get that message?
- RossWhat?
- RachelFrom the guy in the bar, why didn't I get that message?
- RossBecause I folded it up and put in my pants pocket. Do you...do you not look there?
- RachelRoss?
- RossI never gave it to you.
- RachelWhy?
- RossI don't know.
- RachelOh God. You know what? Who you think you are? Who are you to decide what messages I should or should not get?
- RossWho am I?
- RachelYes.
- RossI am the guy who's taking care of our baby while you're out at bars meeting guys!
- RachelOh my God, I cannot believe this. You know I actually came in here hoping to have a mature conversation with you
- About us! But I can't do that with someone who hides my messages and brings crazy women back to my apartment!
- RossNone of the sane ones wanted to come back with me! That's not the point. Ok? The point is you...you are the one
- Who moved on and didn't tell anyone!
- RachelOh, Ross, this is just so messed up! What's wrong with us? You know when people hear about our situation they
- Always ask, 'what, you live together but you're not a couple? And you have a baby, isn't that weird?' And I say 'No.
- You know what, it's not, because it works for us!' But you know this doesn't work. In fact this is the opposite of working!
- RossUh, clearly.
- RachelAnd you know, we said that we would, we would live together as long as this makes sense. An maybe this, you know,
- Just doesn't make sense anymore.
- RossYeah, maybe not. So what you wanna do?
Scene 15
- JoeyHey!
- RachelHi. Can Emma and I live here for a while?
- JoeyHa, oh, of course.
- RachelThank you.
- JoeyYour eyebrows look weird.
- Chandler'Jeremiah was a bullfrog. Was a good friend of mine, never understood a single word he said, but I helped him
- drink his wine.' So you just touch yourself for anything?